J'aime Paris. My visit has come and gone, all too quickly. I am so very thankful for the opportunity Tim and I had to experience Paris this winter. Our senses were saturated while we walked the city, we grew as a couple as we learned more about each other, and I've returned so inspired. Inspired by the meals we ate, the beauty we saw, by everything... people told me I'd love Paris, but I didn't think I'd be this hooked.
When people ask me how Paris was, the first thing that comes out of my mouth is, "cold." I knew it was going to be cold there, but my goodness, it was COLD. Some of our plans were shot because we didn't have the strength to stay outside for long, and really, was I going to have ice cream in 20F degree weather? (The answer was no.) But I learned it's okay to not do it all. How could you possibly in less than five days? I consider this trip a first taste, because I hope to be back for more.

We brought back as many Parisian treats as we could fit in the extra bag we packed. We have all kinds of treats from Patrick Roger, Fromagerie Quatrehomme, La Maison du Chocolat, Ladurée, Fauchon, Chocolat De Neuville, Jeff de Bruges, McDonald's, Pâtisserie Sadaharu Aoki, Monoprix, and La Grande Epicerie. I hope these last us longer than a week. ;)
Now, I normally don't post about eating out on Talida Bakes, but because Paris was so inspiring, I will prepare special posts on Paris eating over the next week. Thanks to everyone who lent me books and gave me recommendations on what to see and eat, I wouldn't have fallen in love without your help!